after a well-rested night, i woke up pretty early and was greeted by the morning sun and the lazy lemurs :) took a stroll out to check the other 'folks', the giraffe were already up, happily nibbling on their breakfast. check out their morning stretch routine (right) heehee.
prior to moving onto yilan, we have planned to head out to leofoo theme park again as we did not get to explore the safari zone. it was quite a rush to complete the safari tour and the steam train within 2 hours as there were quite a few 国小学队 on school trips. the wait for the safari bus was quite excruciating with fleets of school kids screaming around us. well luckily it's a worthy wait, we get to see black bears, tigers, lions and lots of monkeys on closeup *wink* the steam train ride took almost 20mins where we get to see the less ferocious animals like ostrichs, emus, hippos, zebras, goats, antelopes, etc etc. all in all, the safari zone is like a mini-zoo housing quite a variety of animals especially monkeys!
after the steam train ride, we then hurried back to our resort for checkout. the walk took at least 10mins and we were sweating away under the afternoon sun... the resort should probably consider offering shuttle bus service between the resort and theme park. after checkout, we got to meet our driver 阿庆 from yilan, he looks young and was neatly dressed (with a tie), a very soft-spoken driver :)
on our way to yilan, we arranged to stop by at 大溪老街. initially we thought of visiting 大溪花海花园, but it was unfortunately rather out of the way so we have to gave it a miss *sob sob* ... gonna save that for next visit! at dasi, we got abit of lunch at old street - 阿麽豆干, 爱玉冰... we also did some souvenir shopping. the old street is lined with a lot of ancient architecture and the highlights are mostly along 和平街 and 中山街.
warehouse cafe |
amidst of the rundown buildings and houses, we found a warehouse-theme cafe and rested our feet with a good dose of caffeine refills, 赞!!!
we set out of dasi by 2pm and continued the ride to our first b&b stay at 宜兰羅东. the entire ride took approximately one and a half hour and by the time we reached the place, it's about 330pm. stepping into the place was like entering into fairytale land. the boss gave us a very warm-welcome and even provided us with 抹绿茶 and 茶点. check out our cottage stay └(^o^)┘
rothenburg @ yilan |
since we are still rather early for the night market, we went for a mini bicycle trail as suggested by the driver. the rothenberg b&b loaned us bicycles for free and shared with us the trail to the nearest park 冬山河亲水公园. i had a really good time on the trail with the serenity and fresh air ... my favourite was riding along the green fields where the saplings had just been laid. life is indeed simple pleasures :)
after the 'workout', it's time to feast hahaha last stop of the day at 羅东夜市. we had 老王葱油饼, qq地瓜(yes again),卜肉, 盐酥鸡块, 鱼丸汤, 煎蛋, 干面, 卤肉饭, 米粉羹, 芒果冰, ... was stuffed (*>.<*). aside from eating, we also had a great time shopping, spurging on zakka mit bags. wat an awesome day!!!